Tag: Music
Collected here are blog posts about my music, See also "The Joy Of Noise"
The Joy of Noise 2004-7-6 (47 words)
Much Inspired by Bob Ross' "The Joy of Painting" I call this page "The Joy of Noise". Bob Ross' approach to painting seems very similar to my approach to ambient soundtracks. "We make no mistakes. We have happy accidents." ...
more...two new covers 2009-1-16 (63 words)
Here are two new CD covers U recently made... these are the closest I've gotten to actually 'releasing' the tracks for "Darkness, but slowly..." - although you are not likely to ever lay hands on this version of the CD.
the jupiter 3 2008-12-27 (169 words)
Yes well, I got a theremin vox now. The wonders of xmas and all that. And I know that it's supposedly really works from the person I got it from - 'cause she tried it and could describe it's function perfectly well. Down to the part that I haven't gotten to work yet. The antenna that is meant to influence volume seems to be not reacting to any of my hand movements......
more...shulman 2008-10-15 (21 words)
For thos who like this kind of music, shulman might already be well known. Anyway, go check it out. Highly recommended.
more...identifying 2008-6-29 (135 words)
Bless Her Holy Hooves for inventing Google and lyrics sites. I had two CD-Rs of wonderful music lying around here I never got around to actually listen to. They were in audio track format, and as such had lost all track/artist/album info you'd normally have. I had a listin of all tracks, but sadly that lacked any resenblance of the proper order of tracks on the CDs. rying to identify them by lenght was hopeless, as they seemed to differ by 1-2 seconds each. What ti do... Well, googeling the track titles, listening to the lyrics and googeling for the first few lines of the tracl... actually worked quite well in the end. There were some obvious ones in it anyway, and once you identified a few, it only get's easier :)
more...ambience 2008-6-6 (237 words)
play: /traumwind/music/aMantraMiasma.mp3 (13:00 min, 130kbit/s (VBR)kbit/sec)... more...moving iTunes created mp3s 2008-5-29 (248 words)
No wonder my MacBook was getting sluggish... I've aquired over 20gb of music on the rather smallish internal HD :) ... So now that I have a nice and stable *Vista* laptop siting here right beside the MacBook, one that I actually use on a regular basis... that has a whooping 250gb of HD to booot.. the plan was to move my main iTunes storage to that machine. So I happily copied over all my folders to the vista hd, expecting iTunes on windows to re-import all my mp3s with all info intact - after all they all have ID3 tahs written, right?...
more...twelve offerings 2008-3-18 (97 words)
"Twelve Offerings, the newest release by Logickal. It is dedicated to the people and Sangha of Burma, the monks who peacefully led protests against the ruling Junta on the country before being suppressed. All proceeds of this release will be given to The U.S. Campaign for Burma."...
more...max me up 2008-1-22 (133 words)
Vlad seems all excited about Max/MSP 5, and reding his report I can see why. Me? I had a very pleasurable two das with Max/MSP a while back, just learning the concepts and tryng to prototype something I had dreamed of for a long time. And at least one of the new improvements in Max 5 sounds like it might actually make me break down and finally do get a licences in earnest: resolution independant vector based scaling UIs. I still remember that my work with Max was THE turning point in my use of Mac OS X's screen zoom feature. The standdard UI sized of a typical MAx path were just too tiny for me, but in larger projects it's the only way to get all the stuff organized etc...
more...Kaossilator 2007-11-28 (179 words)
I was going to get a ThereMAX (a DIY kit to make a Theremin Vox), but now I've seen a Kaossilator in action! I so sold!
... more...Scott Andrew 2007-11-28 (162 words)
Really don't have much to say here, apart from the fact that I nod my head towrds him for music and the persitance with which he has been blogging about it. Waht prompted me to wite this post just now is his recent street video An alley somewhere in Portland OR…. I think - apart from Scott's musicality - it's amazing what today's cinsumer grade recording technology can do. As far as I can tell this is basically a digicam and maybe one mic. But both voice and guitar are well balance and clear. Nice :)...
more...Daevl.Video 2007-9-29 (114 words)
Having been part the The League Of Extraordinary Beta Testers since the early beginnings I was very thrilled to see and hear the Makr himself explain his creation. It's one thing to to 'talk' to a friend in email and even in SecondLife, yet is another dimension to finally get to see their movements, expressions and voice ;) See, hear and read the full interview at the Cycling '74 bkog.
more...the 5 way path 2007-4-27 (179 words)
Back on November or Devember of '06, when Vlad of DaevlMakr asked me to give him some tracks for my artist's profile, I had only very few that actualy used the awesome Daevl.Plugs. I needed to come up with a cool track showing the capabilities of the plugs and fast. ...
more...making visible, or rather audible 2007-3-28 (103 words)
While being down with the cold and the flu I went through my artistic artefacts of the past months.... and realized that I had some audio tracks lying around that only a very small group of people had ever really heard and enjoyed! So I started to put up entries for them in my "Joy of Noise" pages. To make it easier for people to actually find the new material, I also added a 'Recent tracks' siebar to that page. And these tracks I added are only the beginning of some more material I have here but didn't get around to post yet...
more...Traumwind Minimalism 2007-3-1 (148 words)
Here's something from the "Happy little noises live here" department:
play: /music/fabriBleep.mp3 (11:08 min, 128kbit/sec)
This track is - for all it's aureal complexity - actually quite minimal. It is composed of 2 (two) base samples. One is a phone bleep, the other the swoosh-beep of an industrial robot. What makes this so complex is the use of what is called a "Chime Delay". It's a delay that does two things: it creates random length delays that are also randomly panned in the stereo field, and it pitch-shifts them. The beauty of this particular one is that you can specify the pitch shift in semitones and you can specify a list of intervals you want created. In that way one can create harmonious delay clusters (using maybe a pentatonic scale etc), or more disharmonic ones when using staggered semitones.
the three layers of sound: atmospheres, habitats and species 2007-2-1 (248 words)
In a post on lostlog I found a music concept I'd like to explore more:
"On the Wildeye course, he introduces the three layers of sound: atmospheres, habitats and species. They are natural terms, but could just as easily apply to recording, say, a railway goods yard. Atmosphere is the unobtrusive bed of sound - perhaps the gentle noise of distant traffic, the hum of air conditioning, wind in the trees. A habitat could be the general sound of that railway goods yard. The species is the specific animal (or train, or voice) you want to feature."... more...
Daevl.Plugs and the LOEBT 2007-1-28 (72 words)
Jeremy Dickens (aka Logikal) has been collecting sample tracks from members of The League of Extrodianry Beta Testers and put together a PodCast with them. Interesting to finally get to hear what others do/did with the plugs. In my usage they tend to have a very specific sound to them. But that may very likely be because of the was I use them....
more...On the future of music 2007-1-6 (349 words)
David Byrne has a thoughtful post titled "Crappy Sound Forever!" In it he discusses a book about the effects technology (mostly in recording) has had on music and compositions. One of his musings towrds the end I woud like to comment on here:...
more...Real Escape Agent 2007-1-3 (121 words)
Yeah. I know it's a typo. But then I am not a Real Estate Agent, and I never was and - probably - will never be. So I thought that title might fit me better. Escapism. Fiction. Creating Imaginary Worlds. Get it? Oh well... maybe just go read my Artist's Profile on DaevlMakr.com. If one man ever managed to catalyze a description for the elusive being that is "The Artist currently known as Martin Spernau", it is Mr. Vlad Spears. (The other who manages it is a woman, so techically does not count as "a man" in the sense of above statement. Oh I am so cute today!)
she came wrapped in black 2006-12-4 (74 words)
Dear reader, meet my new love, Miss Ozone. Not having a voice of her own, she makes my music sing. And she is a very good listener, commiting anything she hears to the permanent memory of my data vaults. She is a daugther of the House of M-Audio. Sleek, slender and very responsive to my every touch, she gives me power to command the noise.
Dance with the Daevls In The Pale Moonlight 2006-12-2 (79 words)
All star coder/musician/soundmagician Vlad Spears is being very busy. Newest addition to his project list: "Daevls In The Pale Moonlight"...
more...DaevlPakt 2006-11-1 (91 words)
The Daevl.Plugs Audio Transmogrification Suite is live! Go get your copy of this set of audio madness that will give you what no other will....
more...daevl.plugs almost out now 2006-10-14 (96 words)

"To whet appetites, more information on five of the main DaevlPlugs is below. The audio demos use drumloops for consistency: 2 bars of dry loop, 2 bars of DaevlPlug and a final single bar of dry loop again for comparison. The DaevlPlugs sound amazing on anything: voice, bass, guitar, synthesizers, live or electronic sounds of all kinds, up front in a mix or layered beneath to add subtle change and interest."more...
Rauschkulissen 2006-9-20 (132 words)
So, you might ask, where was Martin traveling all alone? and, more specificaly, WHY?
my custom GarageBand install 2006-7-22 (187 words)
Well I talked about this on my "Joy Of Noise" page. I nowadays do most my audio twiddeling in GarageBand. It suits me and is quite flexible once you establish a workflow. There are some tricks I still use Audacity ofr, but those are mostly the descructive audio editing tasks like tempo-shift or extreme filtering. But my install of GA has one major difference to the standard one. I have no, zero, nada Apple Loops or any other pre-looped material installed. All my audio material is custom recorded, sampled from other sources (like sample CDs) or just plainly generated (Audacity again, with the Nyquist scripting language). The original reason for this Apple-Looplessness were space constraints. My G4 TiBook has only 10GB of HD... I moved to an external Firewire HD very soon, but the lack of original Apple Loops prevailed. It has become a virtue to me. And I also use only very limited amonts of software instruments. Actually there is only one track that has any, and that instrument is a third-party chello (Claire Fitch). Did anybody say individualist or purits? Hehe.
more...Happy little noises live here 2006-6-29 (59 words)
I recently spent a short afternoon in my beloved Tinderbox to finally give my 'music' page some more structure and actually make some of the tracks that I already uploaded visible to a larger audience. And this is only the beginning. I hope you like "The Joy of Noise". It's about time I uploaded and linked to it also :)
more...listen to your voice 2006-2-15 (326 words)
Do you have a voice? Sure you do. But do you know how it sounds? Really know?
... more...Vlad, a request 2006-2-5 (243 words)
Listing my "four things" recently one might have gathered I'm not so hip on current music trends and tend to listen to stuff I have grown to know and love over the time.
... more...
alles Bild, Text und Tonmaterial ist © Martin Spernau, Verwendung und Reproduktion erfordert die Zustimmung des Authors